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Beside dubia roaches discord is just as health for bearded dragons 

Feeder I prefer discord roaches and dubias.

Dubia can I start a colony of my owe of course you can with a ratio of 3 female per male and you’ll have endless feeder of your own

To learn the basic of starting a colony stroll down under discord roaches and please watch subscribe and like the YouTube channels links below free giveaway as soon as we get our first clutches

E dragons

I’m tryna to have all morph dragons a viable to dragon collectors or just plan beardie dragon love breeding will be hoping to prove out a het linage and also a red morph 

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Just the beginning hope we get your support

Why We Started This Business

just starting last year I pick the best I could find these year I pair them and hope I can have some nice morphs for y’all to come scoop up all offers at that point will be open as of now we are still in production  assembly

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E. Dragons ///Bearded dragons

Our goal is to have the genetic morph dragon or just personal traits prefer hypo hypo trans hers and I’m also tryna produce zeros and red morphs 

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E.dragons //dragon morphs het zeros het wiblets weros and dunners

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Hypo citrus

Giveaway dragon …gone!

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Female het hypo up to full health she is a funny one love to jump and climb but just as chill as u can be when you need her to

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Discord roaches

To start a roach colony all you need is a bin cut a few Hole screens on them and add crates feeding then veggies is best but other like to use chicken feed or other feeder like turtles food to add Nutrients to the feeder your feeding your petas the bin matures after about 6 months you should have from a start of 30 female to 10 males ratio it should give the rest of the mixed nymphs I recommend as many as u can afford at the size of medium  being 1\2 of a inch so that as the adults Settle the bin will begin to create more of those giving you a larger ratio of males and females and after about another three months you’ll see a large supply of babies being born making sure that the temps and that the food and moisture and humidity is all correct it’s not difficult and it’s best to keep your been in the bin Of roaches in the The Bearded  dragon room for heat and no worries of humidity few card board cup holds and two water Trays  and also the Water absorbent crystals Some say to feed the roaches vegetables and fruits I recommend making sure you order a feeder Roach chow mix And also it helps gut feed your feeder for extra nutrients and benefit to your bearded dragon Having to use less calcium but still recommended to dust the roaches And don’t be afraid to add a respirashy buffet powder mix gel to the diet as it helps  them both there Greens and meat to make the bin and ratio of your roaches grow faster Recommend you start a roach colony a year or year so ahead to have enough baby Beared dragons Bed with a supply of small roaches as the year of time gets closer you’ll notice Larger adults and smaller roaches missing medium roaches reason for that is because the smaller roaches from the beginning have now turned to the dogs and the beginning roaches that you have from female to  ratio are now getting birth as they’re giving birth the other ones are maturing and giving birth also between the adults and smaller roaches missing medium roaches reason for that is because the smaller roaches from the beginning keep are now producing with the younger roaches from the mix nymphs u had at the beginning the beginning roaches that you have from female to Male  ratio are now getting birth and as they’re giving birth the other ones are maturing and giving birth also within the next couple months Keep an eye on the fact that the medium roaches are no longer there or is a smaller account compared to the others when that happens I recommend you leave your been alone without feeding your feeders do youeKeep an eye on the fact that the medium roaches are no longer there or it is a smaller account compared to the others when that happens I recommend you leave your bin alone without feeding your feeders to your bearded dragons until you see enough supply for producing eggs and having enough food

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Hypo citrus yellow 

Caring for a pet can be a challenge, so we like to stock our shelves with products more coming soon

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Fire orange morph part German 

Every pet owner knows that their animal friend needs quality, long-lasting Treatment, and here at My Site we’ve got exactly what you need. These particular Dragons have been produced by top breeders some morphs, are and can be among our most popular items. Choose your favorite color and get yours 

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Fire red morph 50% het wiblet

A healthy pet needs lots of attention and activity, just like a healthy human. Make sure to get your pet the best 

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Hypo het zero pos het wiblets  parents leatherback citrus x hypo zero 

Caring for a pet can be a challenge, so we like to stock our shelves with products that make it easier. Count on us to offer your pet one of our top quality. Establishing the perfect environment is important 

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Dunner het zero hypo het trans 

Every pet owner knows that their animal friend needs quality, long-lasting PeT and here at E.dragon we’ve got exactly what you need. These particular Dragon have been known to produce  more dunner dragons with just one side or the pairs. It being het for zero makes a exciting future for future zeros with dunner babies and color 

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These is a special female she is a quad het very hard to find she’s a het zero het wiblet het hypo and het trans beside these dragon only het quad would be a. Wero very rare Beared dragons.

A healthy pet needs lots of attention and activity, just like a healthy human. Make sure to get your pet one of the best Genetic breeding

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pos het zero 66&

beared dragons

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Bearded dragons n feeders

Hypos het wib het zero red and orange morphs

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Bearded dragons feeding

Place discord Roaches beardies love em 

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Bearded dragons Breeding

A place to buy sell and trade zero red morph and more 

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Hypo het hypo het zero and red morphs.

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